Use "mineralisation|mineralisations" in a sentence

1. Some bedrock mineralisation has been found.

2. Brecciation process, it is essential to interpret the nature of mineralisation as well as that of Brecciation, as mineralisation may not be confined to the breccia unit alone

3. Researchers successfully quantified bone mineralisation, complete stiffness tensor and pore network morphology.

4. In the anaerobic test, assessment of mineralisation includes measurement of evolved carbon dioxide and methane

5. Mineralisation within the nodules consists of uranium, vanadium and iron oxides with base metal sulphides.

6. Radon has been used to detect uranium mineralisation and also to locate faults which may control mineral deposition.

7. The drill hole intersected the targeted Breccia pipe structure at a depth of 122 m and was stopped temporarily, still in mineralisation, at 170 m, Assays taken on 1 m-long core samples indicate mineralisation for the whole 44m section from 123 m to 170 m, …

8. Should Legend encounter any significant semi-massive to massive mineralisation coincident with the new electromagnetic features and/or Anomalisms, Euroz believes that …

9. Abundant Brecciation and extensive circulation of hydrothermal fluids were associated with the GRV-HS event and were important local controls on IOCG mineralisation

10. The Cracow Gold Operations are located in a highly endowed goldfield with gold mineralisation hosted in steeply dipping structurally controlled low sulphidation epithermal veins.

11. Cryptical blasting, fluid boiling and meteoric water mixing are reasons of gold deposition in the deposit, forming cement type and vein type mineralisation.

12. Both styles - pervasive and vein-controlled alteration - are characterised by sulphide mineralisation as well as by thorium-, uranium-, gold- and REE-rich nodules of carbonaceous material (fly-speck carbon).

13. Looking at IGO Thunderstorm project digs, there have been widespread gold Anomalisms under 100 meters down, with mineralisation ranging between 3 meters and 16 meters

14. Bisphosphonates include etidronate and clodronate (first-generation agents), and pamidronate disodium (a second-generation Bisphosphonate), which inhibits bone resorption at doses that do not affect bone mineralisation.

15. Drill hole has validated Magmatic’s exploration model, intersecting porphyry-style mineralisation in the predicted target zone, downdip from gold and porphyry pathfinder Anomalisms and broadly coincident with MIMDAS conductivity and chargeability .

16. The invention relates to a method for grinding a cement clinker for cement-like building materials, wherein said cement clinker is produced from products obtainable by cold mineralisation of crushed waste products with additives for accelerating an exothermic oxydation and separation process.